My Heart is him.

My Heart is him.

Like it is

These are my thoughts and my way to lay it out for myself. I am a christian women and feel quite often that I need to write my thoughts down. My chalenges my victories.......

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A raw look into a new challenge.

Raw and unedited look into my weighloss battle. Thoughts, challenges, how im doing it. Walking in faith through my journey.
Today I tried my first SHAKEOLOGY shake shared by a friend, Lindsey Davern.
I want to give this shake a true test, see how it will work for me.
My mix was chocolate:
1 TBSP of all natural peanut butter
1 Banana
3/4 cup of water
1/4 cup 1% milk
I would rate this a 10 out of 10.
It was so good, better than any milk shake or smoothie. It was AMAZINGLY yummy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

JUST DANCE 2 for the WII review. I sit to write this review I am dripping and pouring sweat. And I am so EXCITED I can hardly type.  Where do I begin. AWWWEESOME! Oh ME oh MY!  I am in LOVE. ADORE, can be quickly addicted to this "game". It is a total workout for sure.
   The colors are bright and attractive. The dancers, YES the dancers....In there awesome 80's attire. (I secretly want wrist warmers and slouch socks while I'm dancing, and a BIG pink belt).  "CALL ME " by Blondie , are you kidding that is so awesome. Yes awesome again. I am a total 80's child and that song and dance brought me to my knees laughing and giggling. It was so fun.
 You can set yourself fitness goals, which are fun and easy to obtain. The game encourages you saying , "good, excellent...perfect ..if you do really well it starts on fire and sparks..."yah I was that good, y'all"
It also tells you how much you earned in sweat and in dance points. It adds it up for you with each dance.
   I kinda feel like when im in the car driving and have the radio blaring and I'm singing my heart out! YAH you know what I mean, teehhe. You think man I'm good. (but you don't even know the words to the song). Well this is kinda like that for me, LOL! I think wow this is good, I have moves.  AND NO! I'm not going to show you. Although I though a girls night playing this would be SOOOO MUCH FUN!
AND i must get this for my sister. 
I have Fibromyalga and I did this game for  over an hour straight and i feel GREAT! I didn't wear shoes, But still think I might have to get something NEON to wear while I work out. 
I am still so excited. Hmm I think i will go and dance some more. Happy V day. Marla or my dance name "sunny"  Teehee  AWESOME.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Its sounds like...blaaaaaa

   Its funny how you are striving and going strong in a deployment. Then WHAMOOO! its sad , lonely and lonely, lol. I watch a show it reminds me of Corey, see couples , miss Corey, go to the grocery store, miss Corey, clean the house and do the laundry, miss him so bad.   Its not the craziness of life. Or help with the kids. Or help with the house, that i miss or long for... Its that relationship with my Man. The look we give each other, the support of having him beside me. The JOY!!  and laughter he brings into this house. It makes it feel silent and quiet without him.  He cant enter a room and not bring JOY it flows out of him. I love that. 
  I suppose its just a part of the process, comes with the territory of deployment.  I consider myself blessed to have that man back in JUNE  and I accept the challenges and growth along the way.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A New Hope

Hope: As a Verb: to believe, desire, or trust.

Have you ever looked at hope in this way. An action, a movement, something in motion. Its so amazing how God opens our eyes to certain things, at certain times in our lives. HOPE!
Ya I know what hope is but this time i see it differently with a  fresh and new perspective.
MY Moment in time: computer is broken, dell has come to my house 4 times and computer sent in and returned still broken, My physical health not so good/ struggling, deployment month 2 of 6, kids holding their own, house a mess because I am struggling to make it threw the day with this earthly body that is in constant pain and agony.
But with all these things I still have HOPE!    WHY?
Because I am still plugged into that source of HOPE. As long as I have my cord plugged in, I have what it takes to keep on keeping on. The rainbow isn't  around the corner , your actually in it. No I'm not tripping. The thing is this. Go to the source the source of hope and stay plugged in. Praying,studying the word , and talking and listening to God.   Remembering when life wears you down that you are still connected to the one who knows how to fix it. He knows all of it.In his  perfect timing, he knows when something should be done and not be done. Not when we want something done. This can be hard. I struggle with this alot.  But the more you spend time learning and praying the more you will see that it is something you need and even desire.
And in doing this I now have total trust in my Lord. Trusting that he called Corey for this deployment, trusting that he will care for my children and I. That even though we struggle we are never ever without HOPE.
So if you find yourself struggling, sad, missing something. Go and plug into the one who created HOPE and find peace.
Matthew 12:21 In the nations will put their hope.
Proverbs 1:33 But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.
Please read Mark 5:25-34 a great story of HOPE.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Did you know the word "Pre-deployment" is not in the dictionary!
OH but it is so very real. Believe me, my sisters, we know...its real.
What is pre-deployment? If you look it up you will get a lot of pre-deployment check lists. make out your will, make sure your spouse has Power of attorney...and so much more...BUT what should our check list be as wives and moms...and how does life feel during Pre-deployment?

More to come......

Friday, November 19, 2010

Deployment..These are the days Of my life:

Deployment:To spread out strategically or in an extended front or line.
Hmmmm Dictionary meaning of deployment. Not what I consider its meaning to be....let me see. I would say Deployments meaning is this:
1. Separation of husband and wife for the meaning of new job location for a too long a period of time.
2. Husband is chosen or volunteers (for safety reasons) to travel across the world to do his military duties.
3. Sacrifice of Family time, Fathers time and physical existence with children.
4. A Job that is mandatory for the safety of our COUNTRY.
5. A lonely Wife who draws near to God and prays ferbisly, daily.
6. A time for friends to be like family to support and help said wife.
7. A time to grow in fellowship in Christ and to allow him to direct our paths.
8. When more than half your heart is gone, and you miss his hugs and support. But believe with all you have that it will be alright.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My children go to Public School.....

As Christian Brothers and Sisters there are many sterio types....I have been judged on sending my children to public school. This decision was not made lightly. It was actually 2 years of prayers, and seeking ALOT of counsel. GOD LED us to send our children to public school. WE OBEYED!
Matthew 6:33 But Seek first the Kingdom of God and his rightousness and all these things will be added to you.

My children go to public school....BUT my son (who is 5) has prayed with many of his friends the way to heaven
My children go to Public School....But my daughter prayers for those friends she struggles with and who hurt her feelings.
My children go to public school....BUT My daughter prays for her teachers.
My children go to Public School.....BUT Have Dozens of scriptures memorized and living in their heart.
My Children go to public School....BUT I found my son sitting quietly praying over his struggles.
You see My children do go to public school BUT they also Know the love of God. They know his word, His TRUTH!!
Even though they go to Public school they ARE able to love their God and honor him in all they do.
Deuteronomy 11:19
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the road , and when you lie down and when you get up.
You see I am Growing Fruit in My children , and that is truth and right...and that is well with my Soal.