My Heart is him.

My Heart is him.

Like it is

These are my thoughts and my way to lay it out for myself. I am a christian women and feel quite often that I need to write my thoughts down. My chalenges my victories.......

Monday, February 7, 2011

A New Hope

Hope: As a Verb: to believe, desire, or trust.

Have you ever looked at hope in this way. An action, a movement, something in motion. Its so amazing how God opens our eyes to certain things, at certain times in our lives. HOPE!
Ya I know what hope is but this time i see it differently with a  fresh and new perspective.
MY Moment in time: computer is broken, dell has come to my house 4 times and computer sent in and returned still broken, My physical health not so good/ struggling, deployment month 2 of 6, kids holding their own, house a mess because I am struggling to make it threw the day with this earthly body that is in constant pain and agony.
But with all these things I still have HOPE!    WHY?
Because I am still plugged into that source of HOPE. As long as I have my cord plugged in, I have what it takes to keep on keeping on. The rainbow isn't  around the corner , your actually in it. No I'm not tripping. The thing is this. Go to the source the source of hope and stay plugged in. Praying,studying the word , and talking and listening to God.   Remembering when life wears you down that you are still connected to the one who knows how to fix it. He knows all of it.In his  perfect timing, he knows when something should be done and not be done. Not when we want something done. This can be hard. I struggle with this alot.  But the more you spend time learning and praying the more you will see that it is something you need and even desire.
And in doing this I now have total trust in my Lord. Trusting that he called Corey for this deployment, trusting that he will care for my children and I. That even though we struggle we are never ever without HOPE.
So if you find yourself struggling, sad, missing something. Go and plug into the one who created HOPE and find peace.
Matthew 12:21 In the nations will put their hope.
Proverbs 1:33 But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.
Please read Mark 5:25-34 a great story of HOPE.

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